Ultrasound Scan In Bangalore

Health Screening in Bangalore
Welcome to Koshikaa Screening Center, where we offer state-of-the-art advanced Ultrasound (USG) imaging services for accurate diagnosis. USG, also known as sonography, is a non-invasive medical test that utilizes high-intensity sound waves to create detailed images of the internal organs. Ultrasonography (USG) is a versatile medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce real-time images or videos of various structures inside the body. These sonograms provide valuable insights to help our expert doctors diagnose various diseases and conditions effectively.

How ultrasound works?

  • Patient Positioning: During the procedure, you will lie on a comfortable table, either on your side or back, depending on the area to be examined.
  • Application of Gel: The ultrasound technician will apply a small amount of water-soluble gel on your skin over the specific area to be examined. This gel helps to improve the transmission of sound waves and does not harm your skin or stain your clothes.
  • Use of Transducer: The healthcare provider will move a handheld transducer or probe over the gel-coated skin to capture images inside your body.
  • Stillness and Breath Holding: To obtain clearer pictures, the doctor may ask you to remain very still or hold your breath for a few seconds during the scanning process.
  • Image Capture: Once enough images are obtained, the technician will wipe off any remaining gel from your skin, and the procedure will be complete.

NOTE: You might feel slight pressure as the sonographer presses the probe against your skin and moves it around the scanned area. If you find it uncomfortable, do not hesitate to inform the technician.

Why is ultrasound useful?

Ultrasound can effectively visualize various structures and conditions within the body like –

  • Tendons
  • Muscles
  • Joints
  • Cysts or fluid collections
  • Soft-tissue masses
  • Organs such as the liver, kidney, or prostate
  • Transplant organs like the liver, kidney, or pancreas
USG is particularly valuable for examining soft tissue diseases that may not be clearly visible on X-rays. It is also useful for distinguishing between fluid-filled cysts and solid tumours due to their different echo patterns. Furthermore, ultrasound is a preferred imaging option in certain situations because it is quick and does not expose patients to radiation.
Your healthcare provider may recommend an ultrasound to gain more insight into the cause of various symptoms, such as unexplained pain, masses (lumps), or abnormal blood test results.
Additionally, ultrasound is often more cost-effective compared to other imaging tests, making it a favourable choice for medical evaluations.

What are the types of ultrasounds?

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An abdominal ultrasound involves moving an ultrasound probe across the skin of the midsection (belly) area. It is used to diagnose the causes of abdominal pain and assess the size, location, and shape of organs such as the liver, spleen, gall bladder, bile ducts, pancreas, and blood vessels.
Kidney ultrasound is used to evaluate the size, location, and shape of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. It helps detect cysts, tumours, obstructions, or infections within or around the kidneys.
A non-invasive test, breast ultrasound, identifies breast lumps and cysts. It is often recommended after an abnormal mammogram to further assess breast abnormalities.
A pelvic ultrasound examines the organs in the pelvic area between the lower abdomen (belly) and legs. It assesses organs such as the bladder, prostate, rectum, ovaries, uterus, and vagina.
In transvaginal ultrasound, a probe is inserted into the vaginal canal to evaluate reproductive tissues like the uterus or ovaries. It is also referred to as a pelvic ultrasound as it assesses structures within the pelvis.
Thyroid ultrasound is used to evaluate the thyroid gland, located in the neck. Providers can measure the size of the thyroid and identify nodules or lesions within the gland.
Transrectal ultrasound involves inserting an ultrasound probe transducer into the rectum to evaluate the rectum or nearby tissues, such as the prostate in individuals assigned male at birth.

How ultrasound helps in early cancer detection?

Ultrasound can easily detect cancer, especially in soft tissues. It is often used as the initial step in the cancer diagnostic process. Ultrasound offers several advantages, such as being a quick and cost-effective test that doesn’t expose the patient to radiation.
It plays a crucial role in cancer detection and assessment. It can help identify suspicious areas in soft tissues that may require further evaluation, guiding the healthcare provider in determining the most appropriate course of action for the patient.
NOTE: Ultrasound images may not have the same level of clarity or detail as those obtained from CT or MRI scans. Therefore, it may not be sufficient to confirm a cancer diagnosis on its own. In many cases, further imaging or additional tests, such as biopsies, are needed to make a definitive cancer diagnosis.

Here's how ultrasound aids in the cancer diagnostic process -

  • Detection of Tumours: Ultrasound can reveal the presence of tumours in various body tissues and organs. Tumours may appear as solid masses or abnormal growths, and their characteristics on ultrasound can help healthcare providers assess their nature and potential malignancy.
  • Differentiation of Cysts and Solid Masses: Ultrasound can differentiate between fluid-filled cysts and solid masses. Cysts are typically benign, while solid masses may be more concerning and require further investigation.
  • Guiding Biopsies: If an abnormality is detected on ultrasound, the procedure can guide the precise placement of a needle for a biopsy. The biopsy sample can then be analysed under a microscope to determine if cancer cells are present.
  • Monitoring Treatment: Ultrasound can be used to monitor the size and changes in tumours during cancer treatment. It helps assess treatment response and guides adjustments to the treatment plan, if necessary.

Limitations of ultrasound:

  • Limited Penetration: Sound waves do not travel well through bone or air, so ultrasound is not effective for imaging body parts with gas or hidden by bone, such as the lungs or head.
  • Depth of Imaging: Ultrasound may have difficulty visualizing objects located deep within the body. In such cases, other imaging modalities like CT or MRI scans may be more suitable for detailed evaluation.
NOTE: In some instances, ultrasound may be used in combination with other imaging tests to provide a comprehensive evaluation of suspected cancerous areas.
In summary, ultrasound is a valuable tool in the cancer diagnostic process, helping detect tumours and guiding further evaluation and treatment decisions. While it has its limitations, its non-invasive nature and ability to provide real-time images make it an essential component of cancer care.

Advantages of USG:

  • Non-Invasive Imaging: USG is a non-invasive procedure that does not use radiation, making it safe and comfortable for patients of all ages.
  • Precise Diagnosis: Our advanced ultrasound technology allows our medical team to view internal organ structures with exceptional clarity, aiding in accurate diagnoses.
  • Guiding Treatment: The detailed images obtained from USG help in directing appropriate treatment plans for a wide range of diseases and conditions.

How to prepare/come for different ultrasound scanning/ultrasonography?

Preparation for ultrasonography can vary depending on the specific body part being scanned. Here are some common preparations –
  • Pelvic Ultrasound (Including Pregnancy, Female Reproductive System, and Urinary System): For pelvic ultrasounds, you may be required to fill your bladder by drinking water before the test. A full bladder can provide better visualization of the pelvic organs. Your healthcare provider will give you specific instructions on how much water to drink and when to do so before the ultrasound.
  • Abdominal Ultrasound: For abdominal ultrasounds, you may need to adjust your diet or fast for several hours before the test. Fasting typically involves not eating or drinking anything except water for a specific period to ensure clearer images of the abdominal organs. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully to ensure the accuracy of the ultrasound results.

Time taken for Ultrasound scan:

An ultrasound procedure usually takes around 20 to 30 minutes to complete. However, the actual duration can vary depending on the type of examination being performed and the complexity of finding any changes or abnormalities in the organs being studied.

Why Koshikaa for ultrasound?

  • Cutting-edge Ultrasound Technology: We use the latest ultrasound equipment to ensure the highest quality images for precise diagnoses.
  • Expert Medical Team: Our experienced doctors and sonographers interpret the ultrasound results with great accuracy.
  • Patient-Focused Approach: Your well-being is our priority, and we ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience during the ultrasound examination.
With our advanced ultrasound imaging services, you can count on Koshikaa Screening Centre to deliver reliable and timely diagnosis. Early detection and accurate assessments are crucial for effective medical interventions.
Ultrasonography is a quick and safe, non-invasive diagnostic / screening procedure with no known risks. Unlike CT scans or X-rays, USG does not involve radiation exposure, making it suitable for frequent use, if required.

Contact us today to schedule your USG appointment for thorough and precise imaging of your internal organs. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

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